Saturday, August 15, 2015

5k Sunday!

This past Sunday I ran the OC Fair One Big Fun Run 5k, in Costa Mesa, CA.  This was my first time running the event, and to be honest, I mainly did it because it was inexpensive and included a ticket to the OC Fair!  Because as much as I love my “free” shirt and bling, when those things include a ticket to a place with exciting fried treats, it’s a must-do in my opinion.

Now, full disclosure…Although my weekend runs have been pretty on point, my weekday runs have been essentially nonexistent.  Sometimes I skip my run because I have homework to do, which, if I’m being honest, is usually left for weekdays because I opted for something “more fun” on the weekend.  Meh.  And other times it’s because it’s a Monday or Tuesday and I would rather go shake my booty with my besties at the gym for CDP (search Bernadette Barber on YouTube; best workout that’s not a traditional workout).  So, since I only run one day a week, and even though that run is usually a longer one, my body is starting to get used to less mileage.  This means that a 5k fun run suddenly becomes something you dread because you have no idea how your legs/lungs are going to react. 

The good news is, when they call this a “big fun run,” they aren’t lying!  They literally had fun detours along the course that allowed you to play games, ride a big slide, or be a rock star onstage with a photo op.  I mean, how much more fun can this get?  And for those people who go to runs to race, challenge themselves, and/or earn a new PR, they could bypass the detours altogether.  So literally, a run for everyone.  I am always on the lookout for fun 5ks to recommend for first-timers and this one definitely made it on the list.  The games weren’t just for fun either, you could actually win prizes!  So.  Much.  Fun. 
Now, despite the great time I was having, as I left the rock star photo op, around 2.5 miles into the run, I was tired.  And keep in mind, I had to stop and wait in a (small) line for the games, then another (slightly longer) line for the slide, and then another (small) line for the photo op.  So theoretically, I should have been feeling great at the end with all this resting I did.  Unfortunately, I rounded the last corner and was pooped.  I wanted to walk the last quarter mile and if it wasn’t for the crowd, I would have!  Not to be one of “those runners,” but this was only a 5k!  That’s the minimum distance I do during my weekday training runs!  I’m not a super fast runner, but a 5k is usually easy enough that I can run a nice comfortable pace the whole way!  Yeah, not this time.  I haven’t felt this out of shape in a long time.

So the moral of the story is, it’s totally great to have a fun time during a race.  I’m not super competitive with running.  I have races where I am aiming for a PR but for the most part, I aim to be within range of my PR but allow myself to enjoy the experience.  There’s a balance there.  5k’s should be fun, especially if the word “fun” is in the title of the race!  But you should cross the finish line feeling strong and proud of your accomplishment, not exhausted and feeling like you just ran triple the distance. 

Training runs have now been scheduled and put in my calendar.  =)