Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Its Shark Week!

So I'm watching Red Riding Hood with Amanda Seyfried and this movie is weird!!  Haha, any of you seen it?  Crazy.

Anyhoo, its been a few weeks and mostly I've just been busy with, what else, school and work.  Story of my life these days.  I did go to the midnight showing of Harry Potter.....man oh man...I'm gonna miss those.  A few costumes.  I really want a wand.  But mostly just nice hanging out with friends.  I went with Jennie, her husband Jon, my cousin Celine, and Cory.  Celine is more of a Twilight friend (yuck!) but she enjoys the movies and put up with the nerdiness well, haha.  I only cried twice and I think the second one, which was right when the credits rolled, was the realization that it was over!!  I got into the Harry Potter life later than most, so its only been about 7 or 8 years at the most, but still!!  Its over!  The movie was absolutely amazing.  NOTHING like the book, but amazing nonetheless.  I think it was a bad idea to read the book the day the movie came out since I spent the first hour thinking, "That's different, they changed that, that didn't happen in the book," etc, so I was probably more distracted than I should have been.  Anyways, everyone should watch it and enjoy something that our kids will totally make fun of us for in 20 years.  =)

Last October, I was making my weekly stroll through Borders when i came across this book called "Creepy Cute Crochet." Now I'm a sucker for art and crafts, especially those random kits they sell at Barnes & Noble for origami and stuff.  They are pretty unique and make great presents, especially since they're not too expensive.  So I came across this book and figured I could make them easily enough, so I used my 30% off coupon and bought it.  Did I mention I don't crochet?  So I get home with this book and no supplies and think, "Crap."  Luckily, my mom is absolutely genius with crocheting so she gave me what I needed (including an intense tutorial session...did I also mention I'm impatient?) and sent me on my way.  I finished one basic body and one basic head (not even for the same creature) and then Halloween came and went and that was it!  So this year, determined to finish what I start, I pulled out the book early July with the goal of finishing at least one project before October. 

Now, don't laugh, I really did try my hardest!!  He doesn't look exactly like the picture but for a first try, and an intermediate project, I'm happy with the results.  He just needs eyes and his wings (which are different sizes =/) attached.  The next one will be a cute skeleton couple and then maybe a devil.  So hopefully those will turn out a little better. 

Since it's now August, I'll leave you with this month's calendar picture.  This is my Berny.  She's my love. <3

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