Friday, November 27, 2015

Riverside Turkey Trot

I love small town, local races.  Not gonna lie, sometimes they suck because I am usually closer to the end with very few people behind me.  But its great to wake up at a reasonable hour, drive a short distance, run real quick, and be home early enough to still have your whole day in front of you.  Especially on a holiday like Thanksgiving.  I like working out in the mornings because it makes me feel like I've earned my food for the day, so Turkey Trots are perfect for me!  Medals and a guilt-free slice of pie? Umm, yes please!

I hired a running coach two months ago and while I got through my crazy 11 week race binge healthy and strong, I felt like any progress was slow or barely measurable.  Plane rides, hotel stays, and sight-seeing wreak havoc on my system, especially since I kind of went a bit crazy by doing that every single weekend.  The Turkey Trot was my last race of the binge so I was super excited to have a relaxing few days off from running and work after it was done. 

Have you ever been to downtown Riverside or the Mt. Rubidoux area?  If you haven't and you're a fan of Victorian style homes, or homes with a ton of character, I suggest you take a trip out stat!  The race was mostly residential and hilly.  Luckily the gorgeous houses distracted me from the hills a bit!  I finished the race on a mission to pass the 12 minute pacer and I did! (just barely, but let's not split hairs here.)  I went through the finish line, got my water and snacks and got a hug from my mom.  Her first words?  "Wow, that was a lot faster than I expected!"  Booyah!  Progress.  lol.  Definitely not a PR, but much faster than I've been running in awhile.  So I guess the training is paying off, even if its not always super obvious.

PS, the race entry included a beer, which I wasn't aware of but super stoked to have it. Recovery carbs, right?!