Monday, February 29, 2016

Medal Monday #2 & Race Recap

Conversation from 2/8/16
You know that moment when you weren't going to sign up for any new races this season but at the last minute decide to do one since your training plan called for 6 miles anyway?  No?  Just me then.

Friday night I decided to run a small local race the following morning to support a family friend who helps puts it on.  I've done this race twice before.  Its in Norco, CA and runs along the Santa Ana River, so a whole lotta nature.  They only give medals to those who place in their age group, but will usually give a ribbon or pin, or something like that to all finishers.  This year it was dog tags!

The race is about half rolling hills and half flat, with the steepest hill at about a 7% grade.  The last portion is the relatively flat part, so while its nice to get the hills out of the way at the beginning, you have to also save some energy to finish strong.

When I say this was a small race, I mean it.  With only 100 people in the 5k and 30 in the 10k, its definitely the smallest race I've ever been a part of.  This pretty much meant that as a back-of-the-pack runner, there were very few people around with me.  I had 2 women in front of me and 1 man in back of me for pretty much the entire race, and I must say, that was really good motivation to keep moving.  I tried to keep the distance between all of us steady, which was difficult during the hills.  Once you hit mile 2.5 there's a half mile of uphill that turns a bit at the top so you can't see the top while you're going up it.  And you only go back downhill about halfway before you turn and it levels out again.  And then the stretch before the mile 4 marker....oh man!  At this point the 4 of us were at our closest to each other, but it was also a moment of truth for all of us because it was the steepest hill of the race.  I was determined to not take any walk breaks, especially since I didn't want to fall behind.

Now, I should say that while my training plan did call for 6 miles, it called for an "easy" 6 miles.  I don't think these hills exactly qualified as easy but I figured if I was going a comfortable pace, I would be fine.  And being my longest (and fastest) run since LAM, I must say, I was proud of my pace.  I felt super strong until mile 4.7 when the course had been flat for about a half mile and I started feeling the pace. I didn't hit a wall by any means, but I definitely started to feel the heat of no shade and was ready for the race to be over.  What got me through it?  I told myself, "Megan is running a full marathon right now, get over yourself and finish!" I picked up the pace and got moving. 

My last 4 miles were negative splits (meaning each mile was faster than the previous one) which was super awesome and had me feeling stronger than I have in awhile.  In fact, I got 1st place in my age group, which means I got a medal!!  Super awesome since last year I got 2nd in my age group! Next year I'll be moving up an age group, so definitely have a new 10k goal. As a slower runner, I know my chances of placing are beyond slim.  But small races are a great way to improve those chances and give yourself a great boost of motivation.  Its not about the medal or winning, but getting a little something extra for miles I had to run anyways is always nice. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Medal Monday #1

Happy Medal Monday!  Although I didn't run a race this weekend, I actually received two medals at the LA Marathon finish line!  The first was obviously for the marathon, but the second was another special one that I was super excited about receiving!  It was the Golden State Double Medal challenge medal given to those who completed a California Ragnar event in 2015 (or selected 2016 Ragnar events) and the LA Marathon.

I love getting extra medals for running multiple races, especially when I truly feel I've earned them!  Last year's Ragnar Relay was my first Ragnar and I'm running it again this year.  For those of you who aren't familiar with the race series, its a 200ish mile relay race done with 12 people in 2 vans over 2 days.  Its challenging because you run, then rest for a couple hours, then run again, then rest a few more hours, then run again!  It messes with your food and sleep cycles and although you get time to sleep, the adrenaline rush of making sure you're in the right places at the right times really hinders the whole sleeping thing.  Plus, although you get very detailed maps and there are signs, I was terrified of getting lost.  Like, seriously.  Especially during my night leg. 

Anyhoo, an extra special medal for two challenging races and I'm so in love with the design.  Here's to my 3rd challenge medal of the year!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

What's Next?

The last 5 months have been insanely crazy for me.  I've had races 18 of the last 23, for a total of 23 races.  And sure, I'm tired.  I "slept in" yesterday and today (which means 6:30am for me, but trust me, I'll take it!) and have thoroughly enjoyed having no races this weekend and knowing I have no races next weekend either.  My next race is the Champagne Runch 10k in Long Beach, on March 6th. Yeah, that's only 2 weeks away, but it'll be a fun run since I'm doing it with a friend and it includes a 5-course brunch complete with glass of champagne (I paid $5 for an extra glass, hehe) AND still comes with a medal.  In fact, my next 3 races are fun runs!  Saturday March 12th I'm doing the Corral Country Music 5k with my bestie (in Anaheim) and the San Diego Hot Chocolate 15k the following weekend.  

I am a huge fan of fun runs and while I think all runs are fun, themed runs with friends are a great way to shake up the training a bit and keep things exciting.  My mom will be doing the Hot Chocolate 5k (her 2nd 5k ever!) and I'm so happy to have her participating in this event instead of just spectating!  Granted, she's doing it for the copious amounts of chocolate you get at the finish line, but that's besides the point.  

I have spent the last week recovering from the LA Marathon, which included rest, easy walks, and a nice long massage.  The week was also spent mentally processing the race.  As you may have read from the recap, it was an emotional one, and a week later, still stings a bit.  But I've allowed myself the down time and am ready to regain focus and look ahead to what's next!  

My next 3 big races are the Ragnar Relay So Cal on April 1-2, the OC 1/2 Marathon on May 1st, and the SF Marathon July 31st.  I think they're spaced out enough and offer a good bit of variety (3 totally different race types and distances) that I can remain focused on SF and finish strong that day.  I think part of the problem with LA Marathon was that I was burnt out.  That's a lot of races with very little recovery time, and although I made sure to rest when needed, having so many races simply took a lot out of me.  I want to take it down a notch this year with the race schedule and really focus on quality training and running.  Training starts back up tomorrow and I'm so excited to regroup and get going again!  As much as I don't mind being a "slow" runner and really try to enjoy every step of the journey, I have some strong goals this year and want to see what I'm really capable of!

Monday, February 15, 2016

LA Marathon 2016: Race Recap

I ran my second marathon yesterday.  After I had finished the first one last year, and reunited with my family, my dad asked, "So you gonna do it again next year?"  I told him to ask me again in a week.

The thing is, the marathon is not my favorite distance.  It requires a lot of time to train; about 6 months and many weekends of double digit miles.  I was always a little unsure about it, but figured it was something I needed to cross off my bucket list.  At the end of it, I was exhausted but so proud of myself.  I decided to come back and try again this year, albeit a bit reluctantly.

In the past 6 months, I've had an insane race schedule, with 23 races over the last 23 weeks.  I've spent the last month focusing on LAM, coming home from a race and doing additional miles to ensure I got my long runs in.  I was super nervous the last two weeks, but come race morning, I knew I was as ready as I could be.

It was supposed to be much warmer than usual for February, although slightly less hot than last year.  I had plenty of carbs and fluids the days before the race and I approached the finish line nervous but positive.  I had a clear goal in mind, as well as a plan B goal.  Now, it always takes me 2 miles to get into a groove, no matter the race distance.  Although I tried to hold back, the first two miles in the race are pretty much straight downhill, so of course those were my fastest.  Unfortunately, I never quite got into the groove.  Every step was a struggle, and I kept telling myself to just be patient and move forward.  Mile 5 it was apparent that the runner's high wasn't coming.  I had a pretty steady pace though.  And this race has the best course support I've ever experienced.  Literally people cheering around every corner.  People passing out pretzels, orange slices, bananas, water.  So I was feeding off the energy of those around me.

Miles 6 through 10 I was cruising along pretty nicely.  In fact, I think those were my best miles.  They weren't easy, but I had enough mental focus to push through.  Mile 10 was along Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood and although I've run that stretch of road in at least a dozen races, it's one of my favorites because of its familiarity.  You've got the Museum of Death (morbid, I know, and also a really odd spot to put the Port-a-Potties), the Pantages Theater, El Capitan, Madame Tussaud's, etc.  You know, all the Hollywood touristy stuff that you see in movies but rarely go to in real life. (Even though I've been to all those places in the last year, but that's besides the point =P).

Anyhoo, one of the IERC pacers passed me at this point and asked if I wanted to stay with them.  I was fading from my current pace and was so thankful for the company.  That group really saved me.  I stayed with them until mile 15ish when they lost me.  We had been in a huge group of people and a small gap turned into a larger one until I couldn't see the pacer anymore.

At Mile 16, I was moderately relieved, and Mile 17 brought about better spirits.  That's about where you run through Rodeo Drive, which is simply gorgeous.  Then I got to the first IERC support tent and it was great seeing some friendly faces, getting a PBJ sandwich, and an ice cold towel.  Spirits renewed, I took it one mile at a time from there on out.  Mile 17 was a mental bridge I was all too thrilled to pass because it meant I had single digit miles left.  9 miles.  I can do 9 miles.  Then 8 miles.  Then 7 miles.  However, as we approached Mile 20, I was forcing myself to run.  My feet hurt. My quads were feeling tight.  My calves were threatening to cramp at every moment.  Luckily IERC had a support tent at Mile 20, and right before the turn into that mile marker I was given a chocolate milk and applesauce pouch.  I hate milk so the fact that I was happy to get that can tell you how delirious I may have been at that point.  More PBJ's at the support tent, along with a new ice towel and I was off.

At this point, I was really discouraged.  I was an hour off my goal time and I kept having flashbacks to last year's Mile 20 moment.  Last year that had been my defining moment.  I knew if I could just get to Mile 20 I would have no problem finishing.  I had been so excited to be there and to see my parents at the support tent.  I remember giving them both a hug, getting a quick drink, and taking off again, so excited to be so close to the finish line.  This time, there was none of that excitement.  It was too much of a struggle and comparing the two races was such a huge mental mistake that I just couldn't stop from happening.

The view from Mile 2
A mile later, there was a group giving out shots of beer, which wasn't a lot, but gave me a great mini boost of energy.  Super boring portion of the race, but oh well.  I found myself saying, "Shut up legs, you're almost there" over and over again.  Literally.  Pretty sure I said that every step of the way from mile 21 to mile 23 where the last IERC tent was.  The great thing about running with a group or having spectators is that they see you wearing the club shirt and even though they may not know you personally, they are so happy to see you and offer help.  That last club tent gave me more food, soda, and happy faces.  It was just what I needed.

"26.2 miles of Single Awareness"
I wish I could say that with only 3 miles to go that I knew I would make it and was finally on a roll.  But no.  I was still questioning my ability to cross that finish line.  It just seemed so far away.  I kept telling myself that my feet didn't hurt.  That my legs weren't cramping.  That they hurt but if they just kept going for a little bit longer it would be over and they could rest then.  I told myself I was stronger and prepared.  That I could do this.  That I would finish and get that medal.  And I ran.  Slowly.  But I couldn't allow myself to walk because I didn't trust my legs anymore.  So I pushed and pushed and pushed some more. One lovely lady looked over at me as I ran next to her (she was walking and we were at the same pace.  Oh well) and said, "Good job.  I can't believe you're running.  I just don't have the energy.  You're doing so great."  I could have hugged her.  Totally what I needed to hear at that moment.  I still had a mile left at that point, but it was probably the first time in the whole race I knew I would finish.

Turning onto Ocean Avenue was emotional for me.  You can see the ocean and feel the breeze and although you can't immediately see it, I knew the finish line was near.  As I got to the end of the finish line spectators I heard my name being cheered on and saw Tracy (a friend from high school) with a couple of running club ladies cheering me on.  And then I crossed the finish line and proceeded to let the last emotions I had left stream out in the form of tears.  Literally could not stop crying.  I was so spent emotionally and physically, and crossing that finish line was the end I wasn't sure I would get to see.  I found a spot to sit and wait the tears out, which is where I finally took a picture to share on social media.  Seeing it after, I'm surprised I was able to conjure up a real smile in that moment.  I was so proud of myself for finishing but also feeling so stupid for having that reaction.  A marathon will do that to you though.

By the end, I was definitely hurting.  I had that post-marathon swagger down.  I went and got my additional medal (more on that next time) and then found my parents and sat down to process a bit.  I had 2 goals for this race and missed both of them.  By a lot.  But you know what?  It's really not about that.  My real number 1 goal was to finish.  Because when you start a marathon (or really any race) finishing is not a guarantee.  It doesn't matter how many hours, weeks, or even months you've trained for this thing.  You set out and all you can do is try to do your best.  For me, my best was finishing when every fiber in my body was telling me to quit.  So, it may not be a distance I love, or even like. In fact, I may very well hate this distance.  But I'll be back.  LAM may have kicked my butt this time, but I guarantee I'll be stronger for the next one.  Only 397 days until LAM 2017.  ;)

And you know, 167 days until my next full marathon.  Because apparently I enjoy this kind of torture. <3

Monday, February 8, 2016

Surf City Race Recap

Yesterday was the Surf City half marathon....#33 for me.  This past week was a little rough on my emotions.  I found out I wasn't selected for two race ambassador positions I had applied for.  I also had the first member of my running group quit.  Although my friends used to call me Negative Nikkie, I am actually quite a positive person.  I know everything happens for a reason and I try to look on the bright side of things. But when things come all at once even the most positive person can have a moment of feeling defeated.  And of course, it was my last week of training before the LA Marathon. 

Surf City was supposed to be my focus race before LAM.  I had a time goal I needed to meet for the past 3 half marathons to ensure a sub-6 hour marathon time.  I didn't hit any of those time goals.  In fact, Surf City was a half hour SLOWER than my goal time. 

The problem was that I went into this race with the mindset that I'd had a crappy week and that I had a lot riding on this one race.  May I just say, that's the wrong way to go into anything, whether a race, a job, or any random event.  I put a lot of pressure on this one race, knowing I hadn't quite hit the mark on the previous two races.  My expectations were way too high.  The course was a lovely out and back along the Pacific Coast Highway, so there was a pleasant ocean view for the majority of it.  But my split times just weren't where they should have been.  By the time I got to mile 7 I knew I wasn't going to hit my goal so I slowed down.  A lot.  By mile 10 I was doing a run/walk and really milking the water stop breaks.  I just couldn't get my head in a positive frame of mind.  By mile 11.5 I had snapped out of it enough to force myself to run the rest of the way in.  It was tough.

I woke up to an email from my coach telling me what a great job I did on the run and letting me know my plan for this week.  I told her my split times (although pretty sure she had already stalked my finishing time) and explained how I felt.  Her response? "Just now focusing on mentally saying you are ready for the day on Sunday.  It will be challenging but you are stronger."  I said at the end of yesterday's race that the mantra of the day was "Run the race you're in" and by the end I finally believed it.  So this week, my mantra is "I am stronger and I am ready."  I have an amazing group of family and friends who support my running adventures.  They're not expecting me to be the fastest one out there.  They'll wake up on Sunday and see my posts along the route and congratulate me and ask how I'm feeling on Monday.  They'll love me and support me no matter what happens on the course.  So although it was a rough week, its over now.  Time to regain focus and stop being so hard on myself.  A bad training week doesn't diminish all the hours I've put into it before or after.  Sunday will be great.  <3