Monday, February 22, 2016

Medal Monday #1

Happy Medal Monday!  Although I didn't run a race this weekend, I actually received two medals at the LA Marathon finish line!  The first was obviously for the marathon, but the second was another special one that I was super excited about receiving!  It was the Golden State Double Medal challenge medal given to those who completed a California Ragnar event in 2015 (or selected 2016 Ragnar events) and the LA Marathon.

I love getting extra medals for running multiple races, especially when I truly feel I've earned them!  Last year's Ragnar Relay was my first Ragnar and I'm running it again this year.  For those of you who aren't familiar with the race series, its a 200ish mile relay race done with 12 people in 2 vans over 2 days.  Its challenging because you run, then rest for a couple hours, then run again, then rest a few more hours, then run again!  It messes with your food and sleep cycles and although you get time to sleep, the adrenaline rush of making sure you're in the right places at the right times really hinders the whole sleeping thing.  Plus, although you get very detailed maps and there are signs, I was terrified of getting lost.  Like, seriously.  Especially during my night leg. 

Anyhoo, an extra special medal for two challenging races and I'm so in love with the design.  Here's to my 3rd challenge medal of the year!

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