Monday, March 11, 2013

One more mile

I should be doing my homework, however Prince Mo, the iPad, is having issues with posting onto my school's discussion board.  So I get to procrastinate a little while as my laptop boots up.  So much has happened since I last wrote, I almost don't know where to begin.  In a nutshell, I got in a car accident in October and my car was totaled.  Bought a cute 2013 Honda Fit.  It messed up my back again from the injury back in April, and you know, getting hit by a semi is always rough on the back.  I had signed up for my first half-marathon and couldn't train anymore, so I decided 2 weeks before the race that I was actually going to do it.  Was so glad that I did!  It was a tough race, purely mental, but so worth it when I crossed that finish line.  I would definitely recommend more training to anyone doing that many miles though!  I could have been way more prepared for it, and although there was a reason I had to stop training for awhile, I still wish I could have squeezed in a few more runs beforehand so I didn't crash as hard as I did when it was over.  But anyways, thats about it!  Since then I've been running much more consistently.  In fact running has become like an addictions!  I have to do my 30 minutes 4 times a week or I feel so out of it.  I did my first race since the half-marathon two weeks ago and was really proud of my time.  It was a 10k, only my second 10k ever, and while it was definitely not easy, I finished strong and now am looking forward to a 15k in San Diego in two weeks!  yay 9.3 miles! Haha.  I even signed up for my next half-marathon.  Its not until December, so I've got plenty of time, but I would really like to do another one before then.  The new goal is a full marathon next year sometime.

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